Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Error occurred in deployment step ‘Retract Solution’: The local SharePoint server is not accessible. Check that the server is running and connected to

Solution:User should have enouhg permission on Config and Content DB

On the computer running Microsoft SQL Server 2000, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
In the console tree, expand the Microsoft SQL Servers node.
Expand the SQL Server Group node.
Expand the node for the SQL Server instance that SharePoint Portal Server uses.
Expand the Security node.
Click Logins, and then do one of the following:
If the logon name for the account that you specified as the identity for the application pool does not exist, right-click Logins, click New Login, and then in the Name box, type the account for the user in the format DOMAIN\user_name.
If the logon name for the account that you specified as the identity for the application pool already exists, right-click the logon name in the details pane, and then click Properties.
In the properties dialog box, click the Database Access tab.
For the portal site _SITE database, _SERV database, _PROF database, and for the configuration database (by default, this is SPS01_Config_db), do the following:
In the Specify which databases can be accessed by this login section, select the Permit check box for the database.
In the Database roles for database_name section, select the db_owner check box.
Click OK.
Close SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

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